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Tongue-Tie Release

Breton Village Pediatrics and Family Medicine

Pediatrics & Family Medicine located in Grand Rapids, MI

A tongue-tie release is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that improves tongue mobility for infants, children, and adults. At Breton Village Pediatrics & Family Medicine in Grand Rapids, Michigan, board-certified family medicine physician Peter Macfield, MD, and the team perform this procedure to enhance feeding, speech, and oral health. Call to schedule an evaluation today, or book an appointment online.

Tongue-Tie Release

What is a tongue-tie release?

A tongue-tie release, or frenotomy, is a simple surgical procedure to treat tongue-tie, a condition medically known as ankyloglossia. Tongue-tie occurs when the frenulum — a small band of tissue under the tongue — is unusually short, thick, or tight, restricting the tongue’s range of motion.

Both children and adults can be candidates for a tongue-tie release. Common signs include difficulty breastfeeding in infants, speech challenges, or issues with oral hygiene.

What is the purpose of a tongue-tie release?

The primary purpose of a tongue-tie release is to improve tongue mobility and alleviate problems caused by restricted movement. In infants, it often helps improve breastfeeding, as a limited range of motion can cause latching difficulties or discomfort for the mother.

For older children and adults, releasing the tongue-tie can enhance speech clarity, improve eating and swallowing, and promote better oral health by making it easier to clean teeth and gums. The procedure can also relieve tension in the jaw and neck muscles.

What does a tongue-tie release involve?

A tongue-tie release is a straightforward and minimally invasive procedure. Dr. Macfield cuts or vaporizes the restrictive frenulum. He may apply local anesthesia or numbing gel to minimize discomfort, especially for older children and adults. The procedure usually takes just a few minutes and causes minimal bleeding.

For infants, a tongue-tie release may be performed in a hospital setting. This allows them to breastfeed immediately afterward for comfort and to help prevent scar tissue formation.

How long does it take to recover from a tongue-tie release?

Recovery from a tongue-tie release is generally quick. Infants often experience little to no discomfort and can resume feeding immediately.

Older children and adults might have mild soreness for a few days, which they can manage with over-the-counter pain relievers. Dr. Macfield may recommend exercises or stretches to promote healing and prevent the frenulum from reattaching.

Most patients recover fully within 1-2 weeks, although complete tongue mobility improvements may continue for several weeks as the tissues heal and adapt.

Learn more about a tongue-tie release by calling the Breton Village Pediatrics & Family Medicine office today or booking an appointment online.